Hi – Thanks very much for the very cool tool. I was super excited to discover Webrecorder and the archiveweb.page Electron app the other week while exploring options for a sort of nascent “human-driven” data-extraction workflow.
I’m doing some extraction from a log-in-protected site and would like to extract data while logged in as several accounts. I’d like to not rely on the site’s logout button, but start each session afresh. Is there a way to clear cookies in the Electron app?
I don’t believe that’s exposed in the app at the moment. You may have better luck with the Chrome extension that will allow you to use ArchiveWeb.Page in the browser? There you should be able to clear cookies like any other website.
Hi @Hank, gotcha, thanks! Consider this a feature request, then
It looks like there’s a SQLite DB at ~/Library/Application\ Support/archivewebpage/Cookies. I assume if I truncate or remove that, that’ll do what I want. (But I understand I’m breaking the warranty by doing so. )