Archiving and replaying video from

Trying to archive video from

Link to video.

Steps to reproduce.

  1. Goto Committee page
  2. Select Supporting Materials - Video Exhibits
  3. Turn on recorder
  4. Click on MP4 to watch.
  5. Wait for recording to complete.
  6. Try to replay.

Hi @boconnor I noticed the same problem when following your steps with ArchiveWebPage. The resulting WACZ can be viewed here temporarily.

I noticed that when creating the archive that clicking on the first MP4 link:

opens a new tab, and that the server then sends a 302 Found response which redirects to:

I don’t understand why the first URL and its response aren’t being written to archive. I don’t see it in the CDX index that is bundled in the WACZ and that’s why it comes back as not found when you click on it.

But fortunately the video itself is archived, for example here is the first one?

In case its helpful I created an ArchiveWebPage issue to track this.