I’m trying to look at an old crawl on the replay tab and I can’t find any pages even through it lists 87 in the overview. Even the root page says Archived Page not Found
Could you send me a link to the crawl or post the crawl ID? I just looked at a few of the crawls in your org and they appear to replay fine.
I’m getting nothing for the root on the top 5 so I must be doing something wrong.
Definitely working for me on both Firefox and Chrome, so the good news is that your data is there!
What browser are you using? Could you try a different one with extensions disabled?
If all else fails, try downloading the archived item as a WACZ file and using the ReplayWeb.page desktop app to view it? This will use a completely separate browser environment and shouldn’t run into any browser-based issues assuming that is the problem.
Thanks. It does look like something is getting blocked. You have some URLs that are to general domains (i.e. digitaloceanspaces.com).
Thanks got the file downloaded and working with the desktop app.
Good to hear that’s working! That said, I’m sure it would be nice to have replay working within app too! Did you have any luck with a different browser than the one you normally use? Any content blocking or privacy extensions installed that might interfere?
I could not get it working, but am using endpoint antivirus that could be blocking it. Do you know the URL are trying to load from?
It is currently loading from URLs that start with https://ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/
Sorry that you’re having issues loading. Just as a sanity check, can you try in a different browser to see if it loads there, or is it the same on all browsers for you?
Yes I have tried multiple browsers. The naked domain is the issue. Have you considered proxying the digitaloceanspaces.com domain? Anyone can host whatever on that domain.
A fix for this to support using a custom browsertrix.com subdomain is in progress, see:
[Feature]: Add optional presign endpoint for storages. · Issue #2248 · webrecorder/browsertrix · GitHub
This has now been fixed - the files are being loaded from https://files.browsertrix.com/ - hopefully this will work better for you!
That fixed it! Thanks for the work.