having problems today?

I don’t know where to go to post about any issues with since they don’t have their own dedicated forum or helpline or anything.

Right now when I try to save anything, it just stalls on the red Capturing button blinking rapidly, with 0 bytes captured and a blank white page, and nothing saving. Hopefully this is temporary and will be fixed soon. Anyone else getting the same thing?

Hey! While members of our team have worked on Conifer in the past, we currently don’t work on their service. Unless any of the folks at Rhizome happen to be browsing our forum, it’s probably not the best place to go for support. :slight_smile:

I might point you towards their support email?

Also curious as to your reasons for choosing Conifer over, do you require an older browser? Always looking for improvements!

I’ve messaged the Support email multiple times but I never get a response. Conifer was down for the last 3 days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), which was very frustrating because I’m busy with work on the week days and use my free time on the weekends to capture but was unable to do so. But thankfully this morning Conifer started working again.

Appreciate you taking an interest in my reasons for choosing Conifer over I made a video about it:

To sum up the video, these are the 3 major reasons.

  1. Can’t right click in ArchiveWeb.Page desktop or capture any links that by default open up in a new tab. Will there be support for Right-click in ReplayWeb.Page Desktop App?

  2. The Chrome Extension of ArchiveWeb.Page always stops on its own accord, making detailed, long captures impossible Chrome extension stops recording before I'm finished

  3. .warc files from Conifer load faster in ReplayWeb.Page than .warc/.wacz files from ArchiveWeb.Page.

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Thanks for the detailed video! The Chrome extension stopping automatically seems like a bug and not something I’ve encountered personally… If you’re familliar with GitHub I’d ask that you file a bug report? If not, I’ll probably get to that at some point.

Tabbed UI for the desktop app has been asked for but it looks like we’re not opening links where target="_blank" is set? Pretty sure this is also a bug!

Once files are loaded into they are cached so you’ll have to un-load anything before trying to reproduce the speed issue. I’ve never encountered a WACZ that took longer to load than expected… They should always be faster than WARCs due to the page index? If you can reproduce this behavior we’d be interested in it.

Our focus this year has primairly been on Browsertrix and the other software packages haven’t seen quite the volume of fixes and updates that I’m sure some folks would like. Just as a test, I had a go with archiving the site in Browsertrix and it worked quite well! I don’t think this would work well for your use case of archiving new runs as they come up until the Only Archive New URLs feature is added, but once that’s in perhaps interesting as it would allow you to fully automate this task! :slight_smile:

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Hi Hank!

Apologies for the long response delay. Didn’t really have the time or the energy/motivation to make a video. Here is the video showing the loading speed difference between Conifer Rhizome files and files:

One thing I forgot to mention in the video is that in recent days, magically, the issue with Chrome Extension stopping on its own accord seemed to have gone away! Which is really great news, but I’m surprised because it seems the Chrome extension hasn’t been updated since October 7, 2023 (v0.11.3), so I’m wondering what caused the fix? Can Chrome extensions get small update pushes without it reflecting the Updated date on its Chrome Web Store page?

Anyways, if maybe Ilya could come up with a new version of ReplayWeb.Page standalone app that loads these .wacz files faster, I will definitely switch over to using to preserve websites. To this day, Conifer Rhizome still goes down almost every other week for multiple days so it’s too shaky of a service for me to trust it will reliably be there when I need it.

Here are the two files shown in the video btw if it helps you identify the problem: yakine.rar - Google Drive

Incredibly strange. We haven’t updated it, and unless the extension fetches things from elsewhere (ours do not) I don’t think it can do what you are describing? Could be a browser fix?

I can reproduce the loading time issue. Interestingly, when I convert your WARC to a WACZ with pywacz it does not result in long initial load times which would suggest this could be a problem in ArchiveWebpage.

It’s also worth noting that (while it’s quite hidden) you can export WARC files from ArchiveWebpage — though they won’t have a pages index in ReplayWebpage. WARC files don’t seem to experience this issue.

This option can be found in the pages tab under the download dropdown. Eventually this will be added as an option on the main archived item list, it’s on the always growing list of small things to fix :upside_down_face:

So no immediate solutions… We’re in the middle of refactoring both ArchiveWebpage and ReplayWebpage so any updates will have to wait until that process is complete. I’ll pass along your experience to the rest of the team. Thanks again for the files and again for a detailed video!

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Regarding the extension stopping on its own: